Miramar Central School - Walking into the Future 

26 June 2024
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We are thrilled to share an inspiring story of collaboration and community spirit that has transformed the daily school commute for Miramar Central School tamariki. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of Enviroschools and Enviro Lead Kaiako, Kim Meredith, Miramar Central School has successfully launched its very own walking school bus initiative. 

The idea was born out of a shared concern for the safety and sustainability of tamariki getting to and from Miramar Central School. Through a coordinated approach from Enviroschools and Kim Meredith, tamariki and whānau have taken the opportunity to make a positive impact. The concept of a walking school bus—a supervised group walk to school—quickly gained momentum and community discussions soon commenced. 

Enviroschools provided invaluable resources and expertise, helping the school to shape their vision into a practical and sustainable plan. They inspired the school to embrace active transportation as a means to reduce traffic congestion and promote healthier lifestyles among tamariki, along with creating a link between local history and acknowledgement of Maupuia awa, enhancing community connections.  

Kim Meredith has played a vital role within the school, advocating for this initiative by working closely with tamariki to write persuasive letters to the school’s Board of Trustees. The passion oozing out of the students’ letters was a key factor in turning the walking school bus from a dream into a reality. The board gave their full support to the walking school bus, leaving Kim to lead the next steps.  This involved safely mapping out routes and making other key connections to finalise plans for an official launch. Meanwhile, the students followed up by leading another passionate pitch of the walking school bus to whānau at a school community hui. 

Wellington City Council and Greater Wellington Regional Council were instrumental partners building up to the launch day, by providing vital road safety information and providing spray paint to utilise Nuku Ora’s play stencils along the walking route. 

Since its launch, the walking school bus has continued to lead in positive community change by creating a safe environment to kōrero on the way to school. Whānau ‘drivers’ have helped to extend the days in which the walking school bus operates, leading to a more positive environmental impact and further strengthening the connections between the Miramar Central School community.