Our Insights Approach

Here at Nuku Ora, our mahi is guided by credible insights across all spheres of sport, active recreation and play. In order to support a connected and effective regional physical activity system, this webpage is dedicated to sharing our own findings and insights from the research we have commissioned, or data we think may assist in informing the sector.

We like to keep an eye on what is happening around us and are happy to support you with any specific queries, so please get in touch at info@nukuora.org.nz.

Voice of Rangatahi 2023


The Voice of Rangatahi(VoR) survey is a collaboration between Sport New Zealand, Regional Sports Trusts(RSTs) and the Regional Sport Director (RSD) network. VoRhas been developed to understand how rangatahi(young people) experience physical activity specifically within a secondary school/kurasetting.More than 20,000 students voluntarily completed the survey, which was delivered to 105 schools/kurain 15 RST regions.

This national report provides a view of the combined results across all the rangatahithat participated in 2023. The report shares insight into the overall state of physical activity within the school setting.

Click here for Voice of Rangatahi 2023 Report 

Click here for Voice of Rangatahi 2023 Infographic 

NZCS 2023

Insights from the 2023 NSCS are now available, focusing on important organisational metrics being tracked year on-year, as well as new thematic areas specific to this year’s survey. For the first time, the NSCS Project Team has honed in on the way Kiwis are engaging with sport clubs in their community. The NSCS reveals that sport clubs in this country are increasingly catering for casual members. This is in contrast to the decades-old tradition of members paying an annual (or seasonal) subscription to belong.  Over one-third of club respondents (35%) reported that the number of members “paying to play” is increasing. This has important implications for those who manage and operate sport clubs. Clubs that wish to facilitate participation from those not wishing to become members will need to consider new technology, payment options and marketing strategies.

Below will take you to slides presented at the summary workshops held in November 2023. Visit www.nscs.org.nz for more information.

Find out more!

Data Visualisation and Insights Tool

The Sport NZ Insights Tool is an interactive online resource and repository of information and data, designed to be used by anyone involved in the play, active recreation and sport sector to help guide decision-making.

The Sport NZ Data Visualisation Tool uses data from the Active NZ surveys and presents them in an interactive method for everyone to easily find key information relating to physical activity participation.

Find out more!

Future of Sport

Last year, Nuku Ora, in partnership with five RSOs, College Sport Wellington and Sport New Zealand, commissioned Kantar Public to identify the different barriers and drivers to rangatahi (aged 15-18) participating in sport. The aim of gathering this data was to understand the level of impact each of the barriers and drivers of sport has on rangatahi participation. Ultimately, we sought to gain a better understanding of ways we can help to improve participation rates in sport across the wider Wellington region.

Future of Sport Report

Active NZ Survey

The Active NZ survey measures nationwide participation in play, active recreation and sport. The survey is sent to a sample of New Zealanders on the electoral roll. Previous iterations of the survey occurred in 2017, 2018 and 2019. The attached infographic relates to the Changes in Participation and Updating the Participation Landscape surveys that were released in 2021. This captured the state of physical activity after the effects of Covid-19.

Approximately 2,500 tamariki, rangatahi and adults were surveyed across Te Whanganui-a-Tara for the Changes in Participation survey. The information collected related to a range of topics, including participation duration, what activities are popular and which barriers require attention.

Read more about these surveys

NZ School Sport Census

The NZ School Sport Census is run with the support of Sport NZ and captures participation in school sports, teacher, community involvement and gender differences within these sports. Data is released on a national level, as well as split geographically into regions, including Wellington and the Wairarapa.

Access these reports