The Wellington Region Physical Activity Strategy

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi. Engari, he toa takitini.

My strength is not the strength of one. It is the strength of many.


What is Living Well?

Living Well is the name of the Wellington Region Physical Activity Strategy.

Living Well is also the outcome we want for people in the region where ‘Living Well’ means improving physical and mental wellbeing; personal development and achievement; and social and community cohesion and development through regular physical activity – play, active recreation (including active transport), and sport.


Living Well purpose

Across the wider Wellington region, we have 9 councils, around 90 regional sport organisations, about 1600 active recreation and sport clubs, 245 schools, private providers, health providers and more, all providing opportunities for people to be physically active.

Very little of this is provided in consultation with other providers.

This means that there can often be duplication of services, unmet community need, and competition for what are increasingly scarce resources – for example, financial, human, facility space resources.

Through Living Well, we want to achieve greater collective impact on wellbeing outcomes acquired through physical activity. By working better together we will be able to provide quality opportunities and support for people to be physically active and make better use of the resources available to this work.

The mechanism for this is a planning framework which will help identify where and how we can work together at a regional, sub-regional and/or district/city level.


The planning framework

The planning framework is based on the World Health Organisation’s Global action plan on physical activity 2018–2030: more active people for a healthier world. It outlines four key objectives:

  • Informed communities
  • Connected spaces and places network
  • Active people
  • An enabling environment

As individual organisations carry out their activities they can contribute to these outcomes. As we get a better understanding of what different organisations are doing, we will also be better placed to see opportunities to work better together.

There are already several regional projects that have been completed.



Living Well Strategy

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Regional Play Framework

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Regional Workforce Plan

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