
Active Movement Activity Guides
A variety of brochures containing games and activities for different areas of development for children aged 0-5 years. They have practical ideas and games that use little or no equipment.

Active Movement Videos
Watch and learn from Sport New Zealand's Active Movement Advisor Gill Connell. Gill recommends activities for children in the different age groups under 5, and shows you how you can get your child moving - and consequently, learning.

Active Play Guidelines for Under Fives
Sit Less, Move More, Sleep Well: Active play guidelines for under-fives.
This document contains population health advice for New Zealand children under five years old, centred around key messages (the Guidelines) about the importance of under-fives sitting less, moving more and sleeping well.

Raising Children
The New Zealand Government in partnership with a number of organisations have developed some resources on ‘Raising Children’.
They have split these into the ‘Early Years’ (Years 1 -3) and the ‘Middle Years’ (preschool and primary years). There are over 50 stories in each including great information as to why we need to get children moving.

Moving to Learn
Making the connection between movement, music, learning and play (birth to 3 years). This resource helps recognise and develop the physical milestones and stages children go thorough. Includes a 67 CD track of original movement songs, chants and finger plays.
By Robyn Crowe and Gill Connell

Getting Ready for School
An overview of the important stages of physical development that a child needs to have passed through in order to cope with educational tasks required in the classroom.

"M" is for Monkey Bars: Getting Ready for Writing
Research Article
Hanging on monkey bars, climbing trees, and tug-of-war are all valuable activities that prepare children for necessary skills such as writing at school.

Does your Child W-Sit?
Research Article
We have tracked down a really good article that explains why some children may sit in this position, the long term affects and things that can be done to get children out of this habit.

Movement Skill Intervention
Research Article
Research done in Australia where they tracked children over a three year period after they had been involved in a 10 month movement skill intervention.
The results show how important it is to be teaching fundamental movement skills in early childhood settings.

What is it about the Monkey Bars?
Research Article
While this research was completed in New Zealand back in 2007 it is still very relevant to today’s children illustrating how important it is to get the children outside using playground equipment.

Under 5s and Sport?
Research article
We often get asked about what sorts of activities children under the age of five should be doing and whether they should be playing sport. Here at Sport Wellington we believe children under the age of five should not be playing sport specific games.

Have a Ball Together
Physical activity is essential to healthy child development, and the early years are the best time to give kids an active start. But where do you begin?
This website will give you the tools you need to be able to promote and encourage physical activity for children 0-6.