In 2018 the Leadership Framework for sport and recreation in Aotearoa New Zealand was launched. The development of this Framework was co-led by Sport Wellington (now Nuku Ora) and Sport NZ, with strategic leadership provided by a Project Governance Group.

More than 1,500 people who work and volunteer in sport, recreation and community organisations contributed their leadership experiences, observations and aspirations to the Framework. A deliberate and sincere effort was made to reflect Aotearoa New Zealand's bicultural foundation. A Māori Reference Group introduced leadership concepts and language that resonate with Tikanga Māori.

The Framework acknowledges that everybody who works or volunteers in the sector has a leadership responsibility. From local to regional organisations, the framework creates a consistent understanding of effective leadership for everyone, in whatever role or setting they operate in within their organisation.

Nuku Ora is thankful for the significant and ongoing support of the New Zealand Community Trust (NZCT) who are contributing to the rollout of the Leadership Framework across the Regional Sports Trust (RST) network.

Leadership framework resources

A wealth of material including guides, videos, role descriptions, activities, leadership maps, as well as ideas and inspiration to get you thinking, has been developed for the Framework. This resource is called Puna, meaning the "spring of leadership resources". Puna is a free online tool covering:

  • Leading Self
  • Leading Teams
  • Leading Leaders
  • Leading an Organisation
  • Governing an Organisation.

There are 80,000 paid employees and 1.2 million volunteers who service the sport and active recreation sector, we encourage everyone working in the sector to take a look and see how it can help you, your staff and your volunteers.