Power Up! Keeping Youth in Sport

A new event, the Power Up! Keeping Youth in Sport one-day forum is taking place on Tuesday 28 November 2023 from 8.30am-5.00pm.

Organised by Nuku Ora and College Sport Wellington in association with the Wellington Balance is Better Advisory Group, the forum will be held at Te Rauparaha Arena in Porirua.

Limited to 80 attendees, this event is targeted at RSOs, Clubs, Coaches, Sport Directors, Principals, and anyone involved in youth sport.

At the forum, attendees will learn about:

  • Sport NZ update on Balance is Better
  • How to implement change
  • The role coaches play
  • Getting parents on-board
  • Regional BiB examples 
  • Addressing issues
  • Tackling tall poppy syndrome

When you complete the registration form you'll see a question for an 'attendees choice' topic. The most popular topic will be added to the programme (if there are two popular topics, we might be able to run them as concurrent sessions).

COST: $70.00. Morning and afternoon tea and lunch are included.

(The fee has been subsidised by Nuku Ora and CSW to try and make it more affordable)

Click here to register

More information on the presentations


Setting the Scene. Presented by Alex Chiet, Sport Development Lead, Sport NZ

Alex will be opening the forum with an update on the Balance is Better journey, successes, learnings, and the evolution of BiB in the future.

How do you implement change? Presented by Mike Hester, Participation Development Manager, NZ Rugby

How do you implement change? In this session, Mike Hester, Participation Development Manager, NZ Rugby, looks at how implementing the Balance is Better philosophy has required changes to be made. How this has been done and how it has been received has varied across the country. In Mike’s session we’ll learn about human reactions to change, the importance of context, how to support the process, and creating a tipping point.



Getting Parents on the Waka presented by Kelly Curr, Sport Development Consultant, Sport NZ

Parents pay the subs. They bring their kids to/from training and games and (hopefully) ensure their child is arriving with the gear that they need and is ready to play. Some volunteer to be coaches, or managers, officials, committee members, or any range of help that is needed. They can be massive team supporters and great advocates for playing sport.

BUT, the flip side is, they can also be uninvolved, or involved in a way that is negative. So how does your school, club or RSO engage with parents and how do you support coaches to foster positive relationships with parents and whanau?  How do you get parents to volunteer and participate positively?

In this session, Kelly will provide you with advice based on insights from parent focus groups and best practice learnings from around NZ and overseas.

The Role that Coaches Play presented by Amber Schisler, Game Development Officer, Wellington Softball Association.

Having lived, played, and coached abroad, as well as in New Zealand, Amber has a wealth of experience from across different countries. In this workshop, participants will reflect, revisit, and reimagine the role that coaches play in cultivating positive youth-sport experiences. This session will explore the impact sport has on those involved and how we as coaches can provide environments that will help our rangatahi athletes to flourish both on and off the field.


Tackling Tall Poppy Syndrome presented by Jay Geldard (Founder) and Prisca Pieters (Sport Educator), E Tū Tāngata

In New Zealand we have a culture of criticism, otherwise known as Tall Poppy Syndrome. E Tū Tāngata is an initiative focused on turning that around through building a culture where everyone feels valued and empowered. In this 45 minute session, you’ll hear from Jay and Prisca about the E Tū Tāngata kaupapa and how culture is key to keeping young people in sport.